FEATUREDGearMotorbike WriterMotorcycle accessory

Is your handlebar mount damaging your phone?

I recently found photos taken on my iPhone 11 were blurry because the autofocus wouldn’t lock on.

The phone was under warranty so I rang to have the camera fixed and was immediately asked whether I rode a bicycle or motorcycle.

When I said yes, they asked if I had a handlebar mount.

So obviously they are aware of an issue where having your phone or camera mounted to your handelbar can cause vibration issues that can damage the delicate workings of your device.

I’d be careful what you admit to as it could void your warranty.

Several handlebar mounting devices for cameras, GPS, phones, etc now come with vibration isolation attachments.

One of the most popular is the Aussie invention, Quad Lock, which offers a vibration mount for just $A24.95.

It’s a small price to pay for the insurance of protecting your expensive device.

I have been mounting my phone to the handlebars using a Quad Lock with a wireless charger for several years without any issues … until now.

Having your phone charged while you are out on a ride is not only a convenience, but also a safety device.

If you get lost, crash or fall ill, having a fully charged phone means you can ring emergency and they can track you.

The Quad Lock is available for motorcycles, scooters, cars, bicycles and runners.

You can buy the mount (RAM, handlebar or mirror), the case to suit your iOS or Android phone, a waterproof covering if required, plus accessories such as the charging units and isolation mounts separately or as a pack to save money.

To mount your phone, hold it at a 45-degree angle until it slots into place, then twist it clockwise to a vertical or horizontal position where it remains securely in place.

To remove the phone, simply push the blue tab (or ring on the wireless charger mount) and rotate anti-clockwise.

That makes it useful if you are riding along and see something worthy of a photo – no fumbling in your jacket for your phone, just grab it and take the shot, then re-attach it. (Obviously, stop first!)

Although it is very secure, it does vibrate which makes it impossible to use the camera or video function on the move.

And as we’ve now found, that vibration can cause damage, especially if you ride on rough roads or off-road.

Quad Lock even lists a variety of motorcycles – mainly twin cylinder models – that can cause vibration issues.

Be aware that it may be illegal in your jurisdiction to even touch the phone while riding, although the laws are a bit vague, says the Australian Motorcycle Council.

If you want to access any of the touchscreen facilities, you would need to have special gloves with touch-sensitive finger pads.

The post Is your handlebar mount damaging your phone? appeared first on Motorbike Writer.
